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External relevance of the Forest & Wildlife proposals in the 12th Plan
In the previous sections, we examined the internal consistency of the forest
sector proposals in the 12th Plan document. We now turn to the external relevance of the plan
proposals, i.e. how they relate to the ongoing concerns and priorities of the
sector, a discussion which will indicate why there has been a lack of connection
between the Plan and the implementing agencies, in respect of the F&WL
sector. Perhaps this will also be relevant to the role and working of the
Planning Commission in general, and provide some explanation for the apparent
disenchantment with it to the point of the new government deciding summarily to
wind it up (so early into its term).
A national Plan document would be expected
to make a broad survey of the sector and give some description and analysis of its
main physical and financial realities and identify priorities and strategies.
In the case of the forest sector, for instance, one may justifiably expect some
information on the demand and supply of forest products (and services),
suggested strategies to fill any perceived gaps and mismatches, etc. This would
perhaps be an indication of the external relevance of the Plan proposals. A
caveat, of course, needs to be stated here that different persons may have
different views on diagnosis of priorities and strategies, so to that extent
the actual action plan would reflect the views of those most influential at the
time of drafting. In this case it seems that that the Commission had its own
sense of things, which has been reflected in the plan document.
Let us consider, for example, the increase
in forest (and tree) cover by 5 percentage points, which is stated to be the
target of the 11th Plan (para 7.9, p.204 of the 12th Plan
document). If it had been a five per cent increase of the existing forest area
over 5 years, perhaps it would not have to be commented upon; but it actually
demands a rise of 5% of the total land
area of the country, which implies an increase of Forest & Tree Cover
(FTC) by some 16 mha. It is also stated that tree planting was done over the
past plan period at some 1.5 mha per year, but surmises that “the actual
increase in green cover is not likely to be more than 5.0 million ha during the
entire Plan period” (the 11th Plan, that is). So the country can
justifiably ask why there is no corresponding rise in the forest area by say 7.5
mha, which would have been at least a respectable figure.
These issues can be discussed from many
angles. First of all, we need to look to whatever estimates there are of the Forest
& Tree Cover (FTC), mainly through the biennial reports of the Forest Survey
of India, the State of Forest Report (SFR) which is an assessment of forest cover as per satellite imagery
obtained usually two years prior to the year of publishing (see endnote 1 for
changes in the naming convention of the SFR). The SFR 2009
report estimated that the FC had increased from 65.96 mha in 1997 (SFR 1999
figure normalized to account for technology and methodology changes to make it
comparable to the SFR 2009 estimates) to 69.09 mha in 2007 (as per SFR 2009),
an increase of 3.13 mha in about 10 years even after adjusting for improvements
in remote sensing technology. This 2007 Forest Cover (FC) of 69.09 mha comes to
21.02% of total geographic area (GA) of 328.73 mha, and by adding Tree Cover,
i.e. trees outside forests proper, the total FTC came to 78.37 mha or 23.84% of
GA. This improvement over the decade 1997-2007 may be ascribed to improved
forest protection and fire prevention, especially thanks to Joint Forest
Management (JFM), increased public awareness, reduction in diversion of forest
for non-forest purposes due to the Forest Conservation Act (FCA) 1980, judicial
activism in support of conservation, change in forest policy from industrial to
conservation-centric, and so on. It works out to approximately 0.3 mha increase
in forest cover per year, which looks more reasonable than the 1.5 mha per year
figure thrown up from the 20-point reporting.
Two reports have been published since then:
the SFR 2011 (published
actually in February 2012), reflecting the position as per imagery of October
2008-March 2009, and SFR 2013 (formally released only in September 2014), based
on satellite imagery of October 2010-January 2013. We can by custom ascribe SFR
2009 to the position as in 2007, SFR 2011 to 2009, and SFR 2013 to 2011 (as explained already, SFR 2009 should have
actually been called SFR 2007 in line with past practice; the change in the
naming convention in 2009 means that there is no SFR 2007 in the series). The FTC estimates are as follows:
(%) (%) (%
of total GA)
SFR 2009 69.09 9.28 78.37
(21.02) (2.82) (23.84)
SFR 2011 69.20 9.08 78.29
(21.05) (2.38) (23.81)
SFR 2013 69.79 9.13 78.92
(21.23) (2.78) (24.01)
respective FSI reports)
Thus, over
a period of 4 years (2007 to 2011) there has been an increase of hardly 0.5 mha
in FTC, or 0.17 percentage points. Thus to expect or
anticipate an increase of 5% (16 mha) over the period of the 11th
Plan, or even 5 mha as the 12th Plan document suggests, would be
foolhardy, to say the least. To give it due credit, this wild-goose chase of a
5 percentage point increase has not been set in the 12th Plan, but
we still have the onerous target of 5 mha under GIM without any clear provision
for its funding, as discussed above.
Secondly, it is repeatedly asserted that
the planting level has been around 1.5 mha per year during the last Plan
period, but this is likely to be a grossly inflated figure if we are looking
for a corresponding increase in Forest Cover or FTC: it is not really or even
substantially the area of afforestation done by the forest departments, but
actually the notional area
corresponding to seedlings planted (or distributed, actually) by a number of
departments including horticulture, agriculture, watershed, and so on, based on
the 20-point reports, which are consolidated at the district level. They are
mostly planted in singles and small groups or rows, and will not really be
expected to add substantially to the FTC. This is the real answer to the
legitimate question of where the new afforestation has disappeared.
As per the assessment of the Forest Sector
Report India – 2010 (ICFRE, 2012), the afforestation achieved under the NAP (National
Afforestation Programme, hitherto the main central scheme) over a 8-year period
ending 2009-10 was around 1.69 mha, which works out to an average of 0.2 mha
per year. Even assuming an average of
0.3 mha per year development of new crops (plantation and other regeneration),
this may just not register in the SFR, as India’s rural population is depending
on biomass for energy, and this comes in large part from public lands like
forests (the livelihood occupation of firewood trafficking to peri-urban areas
still persists in less developed regions where modern fuels like cooking gas
have not percolated). If the local communities and head-loaders are indeed
taking some 200 million tonnes (mT) per year, that may be equivalent to
clearing 20 mha at the reasonably high production of 20 T per ha (degraded
forests produce hardly 1 T per ha per year of woody biomass). Which is why the
forests are so degraded, fully 30 mha being open forest. Of course, the wonder
is that the forest is not being entirely cleared in a few years, which may be
because the biomass removed is not necessarily from mature trees, but from
undergrowth and understory trees (especially saplings, which of course will be
the end of the forest once the overwood matures and dies).
To sum up, to make this a realistic
planning framework, it should be made more detailed, reflecting the actual status
and concerns of the sector, and making detailed provisions for all these to the
extent of the central government’s commitment, flagging other items for
possible other sources of funding, and making realistic estimates with clear
outputs, whether it is greening or river cleaning. There needs to be a more
detailed and realistic mapping of schemes and funding onto the Goals (such as
identified in Box 7.4 )
and there should be a more detailed working out of activities to achieve
various other objectives mentioned in the text. On the whole, is would be
better to have a gradualistic approach with realistically achievable targets
and clear provision of resources, rather that clubbing everything under a few
umbrella headings and failing to provide the wherewithal to achieve it all.
Policy pressure on the forest sector: no tears for the Planning Commission
The foregoing discussion suggests some reasons why the entire planning process is adding little of value to what the concerned ministry is doing by way of drawing up plans and perspective documents, and how it may even be taking away the usefulness of the national plan by reducing the number of schemes, submerging specific concerns and programmes under a broad cover. This also adds to the work of the ministry, which now has to go back and recreate a second level of plan documents to assign resources to the actual programmes being implemented, regardless of the Commission’s (in this context, misplaced) preference to merge and combine. Ultimately, all that the Commission has achieved is to assign a number (10,000 cr in the 11th Plan, and around 17,000 in the 12th Plan) for the funds to be placed at the disposal of the ministry, with only a limited internal consistency with the rhetoric in the preamble, and not enough detail to reflect the external relevance of the schemes to the sector realities and requirements. This level of planning did not need all the elaborate run-up activity, task force meetings, sub-sector reports, and so on, and could have been done as well by the ‘babus’ in the ministry. This is one reason why little inconvenience will be felt if the Commission is disbanded; there may even perhaps be a sense of relief, as a lot of futile effort will no longer need to be made by ministry staff in dealing with the processes ordained by the Commission.
Apart from this, there is another reason
why few tears may be shed in the rest of the government for the demise of the
Planning Commission: this is the often aggressive policy advocacy undertaken in
recent years by the Commission, working in tandem with members of the erstwhile
National Advisory Committee (NAC), which had become something of a parallel
organisation (one is not sure if it could be called an extra-constitutional
body) with great influence in directing state policy but little corresponding accountability. Of course, the implementing department,
being an arm of the government that has to work under the direction of the
political masters, cannot question policy directives coming from the highest
governance levels, even if the professionals in the public services may find
some of these directives misinformed or irksome.
However, it also creates a sense of
unreality in the implementing agency, since the Planning Commission would have
only a very few, junior to mid-level technical personnel proficient in the
concerned field of activity, with only limited experience of conditions in
different states and situations. Relations between the Planning Commission on
the one hand, and the senior levels in the concerned ministries and the state
administrations, on the other, are therefore fraught with potential tensions
and mutual frustrations. This also applies to the often irksome interactions
that state political leaders and senior officials were forced into with the
officials of the Commission, which may be one of the major reasons for the new
central government to have come out so strongly against the Planning
In the case of the forest sector, one
example will be cited here from the recent years: the policy changes demanded
in respect of non-timber forest products (NTFP) and the role of the Panchayati
Raj Institutions (PRI) and gram sabhas. Again, it is not being contested that
the elected government has every right and prerogative to make whatever changes
in the dispensation that it deems fit and that Parliament approves. What is
being analysed here is how the Commission officials used these issues to impose
an ascendency over the line organisations (here, the forest departments).
In the case of NTFPs, the Planning Commission
joined hands with PRI protagonists and NAC members to impute negligence and
corruption on the part of the forest departments in providing access to the
forest to the poor forest-dependent tribal and rural communities. The officials
in the Planning Commission repeatedly alleged, for example, that the poor were
being denied the value of the NTFPs to the tune of Rs.50,000 cr a year,
suggesting by imputation that this was being swallowed by the forest officials
down the line. The 73rd Amendment to the Constitution was brought
into the picture by demanding the de-nationalisation of certain major NTFP like
tendu leaf in the central Indian states, despite submissions from the concerned
state governments that the system of collectors’ primary co-operative societies
and state-level federation, etc. had been fine-tuned after years of trial and
experience, and that there was no such large-scale defalcation in selling
through public auction, or in distributing wages and profits to the primary
collectors, as alleged. The value of 50,000 cr was also not matching the
revenues realised from the nationalised products (Sethi, 2010), but the
Commission subsequently changed tack to cover up this lacuna, by adding bamboo
to the list of NTFPs contributing to the 50,000 cr valuation. This led to a
campaign to wrest control of bamboo extraction from the forest departments in
favour of the gram sabhas (see Times of
India, 23 May 2011), involving actual physical visits by the environment
minister to a couple of places to lead the local community into the forest to
cut and transport bamboo, over the protests of the state forest authorities
(see Times News Network, 2011).
Another development was the decision to buy
back (procure) certain NTFP from the collectors at a “minimum support price”
(MSP) on analogy with agricultural crops (see report by Nitin Sethi in Times of India , 01 May 2011). This does
not make sense to the forest department, as the whole argument for
de-nationalisation was that the collectors would get a better price in the open
market. Now when such better prices were not seen in the market, the forest
departments were being asked to buy back these perishable, low-value products
which had already been divested to the community, and which the forest
department had no use for, at higher than market values. These are products
that deteriorate fast if not disposed of immediately, which of course would
only land the department officials in endless audit enquiries and disciplinary
proceedings. There was also a lack of consistency, in that the same people were
criticizing nationalised procurement of tendu leaves as cited above. In the
face of lack of enthusiasm in the states to take on this burden, the central
government (obviously on the advice of persons in the Planning Commission and
the NAC) was toying with the idea of entrusting all this to some other
organisation, such as TRIFED (the Tribal Federation), but apparently many of
the states are still continuing with the nationalised purchase and sale of
certain major NTFPs like tendu leaf as in the past.
Another example of the policy advocacy
indulged in by the Commission is the effort to break the impasse created by
certain rejections of forest conservation (FC) clearance for coal mining and
other projects. A Planning Commission committee, again under Mr.B.K.Chaturvedi,
was set up to look into forest clearances, probably to prevail upon the forest
officials concerned, but later the matter was entrusted to a Group of Ministers
(Sethi, 2011 in Times of India, 6
February, 2011). The overall tenor of the items flagged in the 12th
Plan document seems to reflect this exercise, as many of them appear to be
nothing less than an attempt to curtail the discretionary power of the ministry
by setting up high-level bodies to undertake functions, such as the National
Environment and Forestry Council (NEFC), NEAMA, an autonomous body for NTFPs,
and the Central Forestry Board (see above).
Unfortunately for these efforts, the Forest
Advisory Committee has been spared even in the independent “National Regulator”
set-up proposed by the Supreme Court in the “Lafarge” judgement (Supreme Court,
dated 6 July 2011 in IA No.1868 of 2007 under Writ Petition (Civil) No.202 of
1995 in the matter of T.N.Godavarman Thirumalpad versus Union of India and
Once again, the prerogative of the government in power to change the existing policies, rules, and general dispensation is not questioned (always, of course, keeping in mind the federal structure provided in the Constitution and the considerations of propriety and rationality). What is of interest here, is the effect all these policy initiatives of the Planning Commission had on relations with the ministry concerned. There seemed to be an underlying antagonism reflected in the seemingly concerted attempt by several ministries and the Planning Commission together to hold the forest department culpable for all the ills dogging the economy and the condition of the rural and tribal population (including left-wing extremism). As far as the forest wing in the MoEF is concerned, therefore, there will be little regret or nostalgia regarding the demise of the Commission.
Once again, the prerogative of the government in power to change the existing policies, rules, and general dispensation is not questioned (always, of course, keeping in mind the federal structure provided in the Constitution and the considerations of propriety and rationality). What is of interest here, is the effect all these policy initiatives of the Planning Commission had on relations with the ministry concerned. There seemed to be an underlying antagonism reflected in the seemingly concerted attempt by several ministries and the Planning Commission together to hold the forest department culpable for all the ills dogging the economy and the condition of the rural and tribal population (including left-wing extremism). As far as the forest wing in the MoEF is concerned, therefore, there will be little regret or nostalgia regarding the demise of the Commission.
Suggestions for the future shape of national planning from the forest sector case
The relevance of this case study of one sector is that there is probably a similar story attached to other sectors and ministries in the central government, and no doubt these sorts of tensions have affected representatives of the state governments as well. Whether the present Planning Commission itself is finally given a lease of life under a changed mandate, or whether a new institution is set up, there are a few points to look out for in the future from the point of view of the affected ministries and the interests of the sectors concerned.
Firstly, the plan exercise should reflect
the main concerns of the implementing ministry and the line organisations down
to the states level, rather than being influenced by the selective focus and
personal predilections of the Commission officials or “experts”. This is the test
of external relevance proposed at the
Secondly, there should be a consistency
between the expression of intent in the opening paragraphs of the Plan
document, and the commitment of resources in the operative sections of the Plan
document. If there is a grave limitation on the resources available, then this
should be accepted up front and bombastic claims avoided in the ‘intents’
paragraphs. Ultimately, the constraining lines may be so closely drawn that the
whole exercise may amount to just a few financial (allocation) tables and
supporting programme manuals. A frank and open admission of these constraints at
the outset of the planning exercise will save a lot of time and futile
posturing and bargaining between the ministry officials and the Commission, time
which may be spent in making actual programme strategy and implementation more
effective. This is the test of internal
consistency suggested at the outset.
Further, appropriate organisational levels
need to be identified for consultations and discussions. Since the Commission
(or its successor agency) is not likely to have sufficiently senior levels from
each line department, interacting with the senior officials and the elected
representatives in ministries and the state governments becomes fraught with
dangers of dysfunctional interactions and communication gaps. The preferred
option, perhaps, is for the line departments and professionals in the state
services and technical bodies to be given more space and voice, and the
independent advocacy role which the Planning Commission seemed to be have been
developing (in emulation, perhaps, of the National Advisory Council) to be
downplayed in future. There are indications that the alternative body being set
up will be more of a think tank, but the paradox is that a purely advisory
panel would have difficulty in getting due attention from the ministries and
the states if it were devoid of any financial clout. The government, therefore,
will have to think through this conundrum carefully, and arrive at such an
institutional setup as will add value to the planning capabilities of the
sector without impairing internal and external relevance and effectiveness in
the process.
Endnote [1] This
time lag (which seems to have been reduced over successive years) used to be
reflected in the naming scheme of the reports. Thus, SFR 2005, prepared by
mid-2007 (released actually in January 2008 as per the PM’s message contained
in it), pertains mostly to November-December 2004, except for the north-east
and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, which was based on imagery of
January-February 2005 (FSI, 2008). The next report to be published in 2009
would have been named SFR 2007, but the
MoEF changed the naming convention, naming it SFR 2009, although it reflected
the satellite imagery of October 2006- March 2007. SFR 2007 therefore does not
FSI. 2009. India
State of Forest
Report 2009. Forest Survey of India .
Dehradun. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India .
FSI. 2011. India
State of Forest
Report 2011. Forest Survey of India .
Dehradun. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India .
FSI. 2013. India
State of Forest
Report 2013. Forest Survey of India .
Dehradun. Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India .
Government of India . 2010. National Mission for a Green India . National Consultations.
Ministry of Environment & Forests. New
Delhi .
ICFRE. 2012. Forest
Sector Report India 2010. Indian Council for Forestry Rsearch and Education,
Dehradun. Ministry of Environment & Forests. Government of India , New
Delhi .
Planning Commission of India . 2012. Twelfth Five Year Plan
(2012-2017). Volume I.
Government of India , New Delhi . (accessed at
Sethi, Nitin. 2011. GoM to discuss norms
for coal mine clearance. Times of India
newspaper, 6 February 2011, New Delhi .
Sethi, Nitin. 2011. Now, an MSP for forest produce. Times of India newspaper, 01 May 2011, New Delhi .
Sethi, Nitin. 2010. Tribals to earn more from forests. Times of India newspaper, 29 August
2010, New Delhi .
Shah, Mihir. 2014. The “New” Planning Commission. (EPW Web Exclusives”new’-planning-commission.html, 30 August 2014).
Times News Network, 2011. Ramesh moves to give tribals fair
share in bamboo trade. Times of India newspaper, 23 May 2011, New Delhi .
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