I. The concept of the ‘Landscape
Approach’ in forest restoration
While the landscape approach to forest
restoration has been seen as the latest innovation, many antecedents are perceptible
in past efforts at forest conservation and development in India , as in
many other parts of the world. The essence of a ‘landscape’ approach would
probably lie in the conscious anticipation and management (where required) of
potential feedback loops, especially displacement of pressures and leakages
into adjoining areas and other such effects, which can be termed the
internalisation of externalities.
Examples of past experiments in this direction would include the various
‘integrated’ or ‘comprehensive’ development or conservation projects, starting
from the community development programme soon after Independence, the numerous
social and community forestry projects of the 1970s and 80s, the massive
movement for participatory or joint forest planning and management (JFPM) from
the 1990s onwards, various ‘integrated’ tribal and area development schemes and
projects, watershed development, eco-development, and so on. The paper will
attempt a broad survey of such antecedents, summarize the achievements and
critiques from the resource economics and social development points of view,
and relate these antecedents to the various policy and legal measures
undertaken by the Indian government in
recent decades, such as the Forest Conservation Act (1980), Recognition
of Forest Rights Act (2006), the Panchayati
Raj amendments to the Constitution (1998), the revised National Forest Policy
(1988), Court judgements, etc.
(A pdf file of the entire article is available at https://www.academia.edu/21490696/Forest_Landscape_Restoration_in_India_Antecedents_experience_and_prognoses)
The most recent manifestation of
the integrated approach is the Green India Mission (GIM) of the
Government of India (2010), one of the eight Climate Change missions drawn up
by the previous government and continued by the current party in power, the
formulation of which was done under the supervision of the author in the
Ministry of Environment & Forests. This is an ambitious programme that envisages the
creation of 5 mha new growth and improvement of 5 mha of existing forest, on a
landscape approach, over a period of 10 years, which will sequester carbon,
along with a number of ‘co-benefits’ in the form of strengthened community
participation, biodiversity conservation, income augmentation, etc. One of the issues
to be addressed in the Mission
is the institutional arrangements, which includes the clarification of the
linkages of the community-based forest committees with the elected Panchayati
Raj institutions. The subsequent part of the paper will proceed to lay out the
salient features of the GIM, analyze the mechanisms that are supposed to
incorporate the landscape approach as a bedrock of programme formulation, and
then attempt to review the experience of the past few years in the translation
of these ambitious ideas into practical institutions and actions on the ground.
This will give the first taste of the possibly innovative ways in which
regional and local agencies and communities interpret the idealized objectives
of the landscape approach, and possibly offer a more realistic idea of the
institutional arrangements that are likely to be effective in realizing these
The Ten Principles of landscape restoration
Among the many
approaches to forest expansion and rehabilitation, especially in the context of
mitigating the effects of global warming, the concept of forest and landscape
restoration (FLR) seems to have caught the public imagination in recent years.
Symptomatic of this is the grand conclave on FLR held just a few days after the
climate conference (CoP 21) at Paris in December 2015. This paper seeks to
explain how the concepts going into FLR are relevant to the Indian context, and
how this new approach is related to antecedent practices and frameworks adopted
in the country for rehabilitation of degraded forests and regeneration of new
forests. The Indian experience is offered as a significant reference point for
the world efforts in FLR, which will serve to establish the continuities as
well as point out the important modifications that may be called for to improve
the programme and increase the likelihood of achieving the numerous co-benefits
in a sustainable manner.
We start by briefly
laying out the essentials of what this new approach consists of, and in what
ways it is a departure from previous
approaches. In recent articles on the Center for International Forestry Research
(CIFOR) website, Terry Sunderland, Principal Scientist with the CIFOR, clarifies
that there is no simple or single definition: “The landscape approach is
anything but orderly. It is more a case of muddling through and being flexible
enough to adapt to change, and integrating multiple objectives for the best
possible benefits” (Sunderland, August 2014). Other terms for it include
“integrated landscape management” (ibid.). In an earlier CIFOR web article
(Evans, October 2013), Dr.Sunderland describes the landscape approach as
“essentially managing complex landscapes in an integrated fashion, in a
holistic fashion, incorporating all the different land uses within those
landscapes in a single management process”. This is in contrast to current sector-based
approaches, where each agency or stakeholder tends to function on its own, in
an isolated manner, thereby letting many externalities go unaccounted for. The
fond hope is that by getting all these stakeholders to plan and implement
together, in a holistic and coordinated manner, there will be greater wins than
In a formal paper in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Vol.110, No.21,
datelined 21 May 2013, Jeffrey Sayer and others (including Sunderland) found,
after a comprehensive survey of the literature, that there was no universal
definition for a landscape approach, but suggest
“ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture,
conservation, and other competing uses”, that “…emphasize
adaptive management, stakeholder involvement, and multiple objectives. [...] with institutional and governance concerns
identified as the most severe obstacles to implementation”. Among other
features, a landscape approach (sometimes equated to an “ecosystems” approach) would
“imply shifting from project-oriented actions to process-oriented activities”,
requiring “changes at all levels of interventions, from problem definition to
monitoring and funding”, tying “stakeholders to long-term, iterative processes,
giving them responsibilities and empowering them”, moving “away from top-down
engineered solutions towards more bottom-up negotiated actions that emerge from a process akin to muddling
through” (Sayer et al., 2013).
The above mentioned ten principles have also been adopted by the Global Partnership on
Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR, 2013). For the record, they are: 1. Adaptive
management, 2. Common concern entry point, 3. Multiple scales, 4.
Multi-functionality, 5. Multi-stakeholder, 6. Negotiated and transparent change
logic, 7. Clarification of rights and responsibilities, 8. Participatory and
user-friendly monitoring, 9. Resilience, and 10. Strengthened stakeholder
capability (www.forestlandscaperestoration.org/tool/our-approach-landscape-approach).
Earlier examples of such checklists and
flow-charts are available in the successive ITTO guides on FLR (ITTO, 2002,
2005, 2009),
The principles of community institution building
Another example of a checklist of desirable
elements in community approaches is afforded by the work of Elinor Ostrom
(1990). Based on case studies of a wide range of actual common property or
community natural resources management systems, Ostrom and her group find that
beyond the two extremes of privatisation or state control that are suggested as
a solution to the “tragedy of freedom in a commons” (Hardin, 1968), there is a
third alternative, that of developing institutions for self-government. Some
fundamental characteristics of “successful common-pool management schemes”
involve “coping with free-riding, solving commitment problems, arranging for
the supply of new institutions and monitoring individual compliance with a set
of rules” (Ostrom, 1990, p.27). One of the desired characteristics is that the
institution building start with a suitably small
scale, where people can learn about one another and build up trust by
face-to-face interactions, and then gradually build it up to higher levels and
larger groups.
If we want a list, the requirements to
institute a set of rules that are acceptable and sustainable to manage a CPR,
are as follows according to Ostrom (op. cit.):
1) define a set of appropriators who are authorized to use the CPR,
2) relate the rules to the attributes of the CPR and the community,
3) the rules to be defined at least in part, by local appropriators,
4) the rules to be monitored by individuals accountable to local
5) the rules are “sanctioned using graduated punishments” (in common
parlance, I interpret this to mean that serious punishments are not imposed at
the first offence, but through a gradually rising series according to their
seriousness and frequency).
Ostrom then presents the following set of
variables as capable of explaining the supply of institutions in the sort of
situations her case studies cover:
1) the total number of decision makers,
2) the number of participants needed to achieve the collective action,
3) the discount rate in use,
4) the similarities of interest,
5) the presence of people with substantial leadership assets.
However, the studies also threw up
situations where some of these factors seemed to be acting in diverse ways: for
instance, although smaller groups may be generally more effective, the numbers
involved in certain successful groundwater basins and irrigation areas were
quite large (700 to 13,500), and at the other extreme was a 200-strong
community of fisherfolk who were unsuccessful. Size of the group cannot
obviously be the only determinant of the capability of organising themselves,
and other explanations are required. The following additional conditions are
then suggested (Ostrom, op. cit., p.100-101), which are a continuation to the
five listed above:
6) that they have
access to rapid low cost “arenas” to resolve conflicts,
7) the rights to
devise their own institutions are not challenged by external government agencies,
8) these
activities are organised in multiple layers of “nested enterprises”.
It also helps if they can “call on public
facilities – courts, a state department of natural resources, legislatures,
special elections” and so on, to obtain information and make decisions that
were “legitimate and enforceable”.
Ostrom feels that institution-building and management learning has to
proceed through an “incremental, self-transforming process”, to be successful.
This seems to be quite applicable even to
the situation in India, where the author of this paper also found that communities
exhibited a keen appreciation of the strength of a collaborative relationship
with the forest department, and there was no sense of animosity between these
community-based organisations (CBOs) and the larger elected institutions of the
formal panchayati raj system (Dilip Kumar, 2013, 2014).
Sustainable Management and the landscape approach
These are therefore not entirely new
concepts, and in fact the landscape approach may be seen as just a more incisive
and focused statement of the concerns and ideas behind the concept of sustainable management. For example,
scanning through the contributions in the magnificent volume put together for
the Year of Forests 2011 (UNFF, 2012), we see the recurring theme of the
multi-faceted benefits of forests, much beyond the pre-occupation with sustained yield management for the main
product, timber, of the 19th and early 20th century
foresters. Now there is an acute consciousness that forests sustain the
livelihoods of sizeable sections of the population, especially rural poor, by
providing myriad non-timber products (including medicinal herbs that support
traditional health care systems which are all that the poor can access), water
for irrigation, drinking, and livestock, fodder, grazing, fuelwood, climate
amelioration, biodiversity, and
cultural inputs. The old approach to both livelihoods support and biodiversity
and climate maintenance is not achievable by cordoning off the forests from the
population with guns and guards alone, but calls for a more positive
recognition of the stakes of multiple actors on the ground, providing a central
role to communities, developing innovative
management regimes for the
natural resource, and so on. Thus the entire gamut of ideas and interventions
coming under the label of sustainable
management or ecosystem management
is very similar to those informing the landscape approach. Another common term
used is holistic management, much
used by proponents of development alternates, or the integrated or comprehensive approach,
which has been applied to numerous programmes and projects in recent decades.
![]() |
Grazing in Haryana jungle |
One of the problems for ground-level
practitioners and administrators in understanding and endorsing wholeheartedly these
seemingly innovative approaches is, that it is not clear whether these are
tested and proven ways, or just some more examples of aspirational designs
drawn up by well-meaning external agents. As we are well aware, a whole
succession of approaches (as outlined above) have been coined, but many of them
have fallen by the wayside as donor or sponsor interest has waned due to the
in-built cycle of project financing, or donor fatigue in some cases, or adverse
notice from analysts, especially social environmentalists.
We now turn to a more detailed exposition
of these various experiments and experiences in forest restoration approaches
in the Indian context, where the above ideas have a long history of application
in one form or another, over a number of policy changes and programme
initiatives since the inception of organized ‘scientific’ forestry in the 19th
(A pdf file of the entire article is available at https://www.academia.edu/21490696/Forest_Landscape_Restoration_in_India_Antecedents_experience_and_prognoses)
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